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Baddha Padmasana (Locked Lotus Pose)
It alleviates pain in the shoulders, arms and back. It encourages normal growth in children with poorly developed chests. The variation gives increased benefits of yogamudrasana, messaging all the internal organs. Spiritually, it is used in the process of awakening kundalini.
Matsyasana (fish nose)
People who suffer from heart disease, peptic ulcers, hernia, back conditions or any serious illness should not practice this asana. Pregnant women should also not attempt it.
This asana stretches the intestines and abdominal organs and is useful for all abdominal ailments. To remove constipation, drink 3 glasses of water and then perform this asana. It also relieves inflamed and bleeding piles.
This practice is very good for asthma and bronchitis as it encourages deep respiration. It re circulates stagnant blood in the back, alleviating backache and cervical spondylitis. It regulates the function of the thyroid gland and stimulates the thymus gland, boosting the immune system.
The pelvic region is given a good stretch and the pressure of the feet on the thighs greatly reduces blood circulation in the legs, diverting it into the pelvic organs. This helps prevent and remove disorders of the reproductive system. The practice of sheetkari pranayama in the final position makes the voice sweet and steady, and relieves sore throat and tonsillitis. Youthfulness and vitality are increased.
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Garbha Pindasana (fetus in the womb pose)
Has a regulating effect on the adrenal glands and calms an excited mind. It helps alleviate nervous disorders generally while those who experience uncontrollable anger may practice in throughout the day. It massages and tones the abdominal organs, stimulates the digestive fire and increases the appetite. It also develops the sense of balance.
Ushtrasana (camel pose)
People with severe back ailments such as lumbago should not attempt this asana without expert guidance. Those suffering with enlarged thyroid should also take care.
This asana is beneficial for the digestive and reproductive systems. It stretches the stomach and intestines, alleviating constipation. The backward bend loosens up the vertebrae and stimulates the spinal nerves, relieving backache, lumbago, rounded back and drooping shoulders. The front of the neck is fully stretched, toning the organs in this region and regulating the thyroid gland.
Supta Vajrasana (sleeping thunderbolt pose)
This posture should not be practiced by people suffering from sciatica, slipped disc, sacral ailments or knee complaints.
This is an important variation which intensifies the stretch of the abdominal region.
Kati Chakrasana (waist rotating pose)
This asana tones the waist, back and hips. It is useful for correcting back stiffness and postural problems. The relaxation and swinging movement induces a feeling of lightness and may be used to relieve physical and mental tension at any time during the day.
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